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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-12-14 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper door is a tailor-made product. Its price is usually determined by the size of the door leaf, the thickness of the door panel, the complexity of carved decoration and the grade of the lock. Products with large door leaf area, thick copper plate, complex carving and exquisite workmanship naturally have high prices. In addition, the lock, brass handle and red copper handle of the copper door can be matched separately. If they are customized with the copper door, they will also be included in the total price.
The price of the copper door contains many elements, not just the price of the door body, but also many incidental elements. Strictly speaking, the manufacturing process of the copper door is very complex, and there is also the craft carving on the door body, which is the embodiment of the price. The manufacturing of the copper door also has a feature that it is a customized product, Therefore, its price depends on the size, width, thickness and other factors of the copper door. And the lock handle of the copper door is included in the total price.
Therefore, it is reasonable that the price of copper doors will not be low. When buying doors, these prices should be taken into account. If you separate them, you will feel that they are not so expensive, but the production of copper doors is a whole process service. You don't need to spend any effort from the production of copper doors to the installation and use of copper doors, Of course, in the production process, you can also find professional designers for specific design and planning.
The copper door itself has three characteristics: safety, practicability and aesthetics. Everyone knows that the anti-theft performance of the copper door is relatively perfect. From the appearance, you have a feeling of iron walls, and with today's high-tech locks, its safety performance is greatly improved; Of course, practical performance and safety performance must be coordinated to give full play to their maximum value. Copper is a relatively stable metal, so its anti-corrosion performance is also quite high,
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