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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-12-07 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
At the entrance, there are two white roman columns. The simple structure is unmodified and combined with the glass curtain wall on one side. Through a villa copper door, you come to the living room. Facing the door, the villa copper door leads to the kitchen and dining room on the mezzanine. The whole first floor is a living room with windows on both sides. The beige marble floor and the yellow wallpaper wall jointly organize a warm public space. In the west of the living room, Mr. Zhang designed a white marble fireplace. Although the decoration is greater than the function, its carving and gorgeous texture have really brought many highlights to the whole living room.
In short, the feeling of using the copper door of the villa to build a home can not be better, reflecting the temperament of the whole house,
At present, the copper door of villa is more and more popular among the public. There are many reasons for concern. Here I will talk about the performance of two highlights and history and culture. Copper doors actually contain many factors. In addition to the slightly higher price and the need for maintenance, the performance of this door is f always ideal.

Many people like the copper door because of its appearance. The appearance of the copper door is a f often natural feeling of texture. The rich level of copper makes people smell the smell of long history and culture; Although it is not as gorgeous as gold, nor as dazzling as aluminum alloy; But it is its softness, its brilliance and introversion, which reflects the harmonious unity between man and nature.
这些都是其他装饰材料所比拟的。从的角度考虑,铜门的程度可想而知。现在家家户户都安装防盗门,从审美的角度考虑,两樘门会使住宅的"面子"变得不清晰;t别是 调品位高雅的别墅,装两道门会破坏它的。
These are compared with other decorative materials. From the perspective of safety, the degree of copper door can be imagined. Now every household is equipped with anti-theft doors. From an aesthetic point of view, two doors will make the "face" of the house unclear; T don't be a villa with elegant taste. Installing two doors will destroy it.
Moreover, it's not very convenient to open two doors when you go home. The copper door takes the advantages of the anti-theft door and abandons the unsightly disadvantages, which can be described as its beauty. Many people may consider that copper doors are too expensive because they are only used by banks.
In fact, the price of copper doors in villas is not very high. The price of copper doors in general family villas only accounts for about of villas. Considering other factors, it is cheap and good. We believe that with the development of economy, more and more people will realize the importance of copper as a decorative material.
Therefore, the villa copper door is not a product at present. It can be said that it is a building component that ordinary people can afford.
Villa copper door manufacturers introduce that copper doors can generally be divided into: copper clad doors, nano copper doors, simulated copper doors, copper aluminum doors and imitation copper doors
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