当前所在位置:首页>>beplay体育备用铜门保养也分季节5种方法你包养对了吗 beplay体育备用


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-12-02 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The copper door is a custom-made product. The price of copper door in Shandong province is determined by the size of door, thickness of door plate, complexity of carved decoration and the grade of lock.
Shandong Tongmen 5 maintenance methods you maintain the right:
1, the use of copper doors, do not hang the heavy items on the door, avoid sharp objects carved touch, scratch, open or close the door, do not often force too much or open too wide angle, so as not to damage the copper doors.
2. Don’t always use water-stained hands (or other solutions) to open the lock so it doesn’t change color. When you open the door lock or turn the door lock handle, don’t overexert yourself, as this will reduce the service life of the door lock. Frequently moving hardware accessories, such as hinge, door lock, etc. , should be immediately tightened if loose. When the door lock does not open properly, you can add the right amount of pencil lead in the keyhole foam, remember to use cooking oil lubrication.
3, Shandong copper door glass cleaning, do not wash the agent or water into the glass pressing gap in order to avoid pressing deformation. Do not use excessive force when cleaning glass, lest the glass break and personal injury. After the broken glass or have a larger impact, must ask for professional repair personnel repair. Clean the dirty mark (such as handprint) on the surface of the brass door, wipe it with soft cloth after moistening with Ha gas, scratch the surface easily with hard cloth, if the mark is too heavy, clean it with neutral detergent, toothpaste or furniture special cleaner, wipe it immediately after decontamination.
4. The edges and corners of the copper door can not be often worn, so as not to cause the corners of the facing material fade and damage. When can not wipe with a soft cloth, can not clear the dust on the wood products, can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. In order to maintain Shandong copper door surface gloss and life, should be regularly cleaning, dust removal, can be used for the maintenance of the surface of wood decoration products.
5、春季和冬季,室内通风良好,保持室内湿度,使门室温度、湿度正常, 山东铜门金属配件出现锈蚀、封边、饰面材料脱落。冬天使用电暖气或其它取暖设备时,要远离木制产品,以免其受热变形。
5, Spring and winter, indoor ventilation is good, maintain indoor humidity, make door room temperature, humidity normal, Shandong copper door metal accessories rust, sealing edge, decorative materials fall off. When using electric heating or other heating equipment in winter, keep away from wooden products to avoid them being distorted by heat.

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