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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-11-27 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The inner part of the door is a steel frame, which is made of copper face plate.
For the courtyard eaves copper gate tower, tall, elegant, and as an ordinary apartment building door, although slightly smaller, but the same rich and noble style, taste is not uncommon. The color of modern copper sliding door can be nearly ten kinds. The inner part of the door is a steel frame, which is made of copper face plate. The T2 Copper Strip, which is easy to bend, strong plasticity and not easy to crack, is a very good profile for the copper door, and is widely used in the copper door.
Although copper is an anti-corrosion material, it is often manufactured with further anti-corrosion treatment. For example, first in the surface drawing, and then repeated surface cleaning, passivation, will be separated from the surface of the panel and corrosion material contact, to maintain the original color of copper. The next step is to have more than two phosphating treatments to form a protective film on the surface. After that, a spray of protective paint, 1600-degree baking, Natural Cooling and other steps are required to complete a finished copper door. The steel frames inside the doors are treated with hot dip galvanizing, and then welded and installed with copper construction. Like other materials, the copper door is also custom-made, after the worker inspects the site to determine the detail size, then returns according to the related data and the graph carries on the blanking, then goes to the door to install.
Copper is a very stable metal, its corrosion resistance is very high, as long as the conventional treatment on the line. Although copper doors are naturally corrosion resistant, they are prone to chemical reaction when exposed to large amounts of sulfur and sulfides. Therefore, if the outdoor use of copper doors, such as villa doors, it should be wrapped in the outer frame of the door, to prevent rain and snow attack, to prevent precipitation of sulfide corrosion.
从实用性上来说, 山东铜门比普通门更耐用,不但没有变形、开裂的问题,而且配有高科技的配锁,防盗性能更好,使用寿命更长。
From the practical point of view, copper door than Potongmun more durable, not only no deformation, cracking problems, but also equipped with high-tech lock, anti-theft performance better, longer service life.
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