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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-11-16 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Although copper door is a relatively expensive product, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, many people also have higher consumption pursuit. Although the price of copper door is high, it is still accepted by the majority of consumers because it has the advantages of beauty, anti-theft and so on.
Now more and more copper doors are used in our life. In fact, no matter what kind of doors, they need to be maintained in daily use, so that their service life will be longer. In particular, copper doors are mostly used by us in the courtyard. Because the copper door itself has a very luxurious feeling, it can be said to be a very good cooperation with the villa. The following small series will introduce the maintenance methods of copper doors and precautions for copper door installation.
Copper door maintenance method 1. Install elastic door stop. The copper door at home often needs to be opened and closed. When the copper door is opened, it often directly butts against the wall. Over time, the lock box and handle on the door are easy to hit marks on the wall, damaging the wall and copper door and affecting the beauty.
Method 2: when removing the stains on the surface of the copper door (such as fingerprints), wipe it with a soft cloth. It is easy to scratch the surface with a hard cloth. When the stain is too heavy, you can use neutral detergent, toothpaste or special detergent for furniture. Wipe it immediately after decontamination. The edges and corners of the copper door shall not be frequently rubbed to avoid fading and damage of the finishing materials at the edges and corners.
Method 3. The important thing to protect the copper door is to protect the layer of paint on the door surface. Avoid collision with sharp and hard objects. The paint on the surface of the copper door has a good protective effect on the material inside the copper door. If the surface paint falls off, the electrolytic plate inside will be exposed to the outside and react with the oxygen in the air, resulting in rust and affecting the appearance.
Method 4. If the copper door has been installed during the decoration period, do not rush to remove the peritoneal paper. Because the cement, paint and other chemicals falling on the copper door during painting are easy to get black spots and rust. The peritoneal paper can not be on the copper door for a long time. It is easy to stick to the door for a long time, resulting in damage to the light paint on the outside of the door. Therefore, the peritoneal paper should be torn off within seven days.
Method 5. When maintaining the copper door, wipe it with a dry towel. Do not use cleaning agents that will damage the paint during cleaning to prevent the protective layer on the surface of the copper door from being damaged. When the copper door is opened and closed daily, do not use too much force, but open and close slowly, which can well prevent the copper door from colliding with other things and damaging the surface protective layer.
Method 6. If there are oil stains and other stains on doors and windows, wash them off with neutral detergent. Although the copper door is anticorrosive, it is easy to produce chemical changes when encountering a large amount of sulfur and sulfide. Therefore, you should be reminded that the copper door should be protected from rain and snow as far as possible to prevent sulfide corrosion in precipitation.
Precautions for copper door installation I. installation method and measuring whether the specifications of openings are equal. If it is smaller than the specification of the copper door, the ash skin shall be removed.
1. The copper door shall be leveled according to the position of the opening, and the four mounting holes of the door frame shall be drilled with M12 drill bit, fixed with M12 female bolt, and then adjusted.
2. Adjustment method: check whether the door frame is parallel to the door leaf after installation with the reference plane outside the copper door leaf. If the door frame is not parallel to the door leaf, add a wooden pad near the screw on the back of the door frame to test the sting until the door leaf is parallel.
2、 Cement filling method: because the door frame of the copper door is hollow, in order to make the copper door more firm, fill the hollow part of the door frame with cement, and close the door before filling the cement. Please note that a paper pad should be inserted between the door frame and the door leaf on the opening surface of the door leaf.
1. The filling cement shall not be too, otherwise the door frame will be deformed and the use and opening of the door will be affected.
2. After filling cement for 24 hours, remove the paper pad, gently open the door leaf, scrape the cement at the drilling part in the frame with a screwdriver, and cover the installation hole.
3. If the box is not filled with cement, the color sound function will be used at your own risk.
3、 Remove the copper door leaf by using the installation method of installation piece, put the door frame into the door opening, and check whether it is placed smoothly with a level ruler. If it is not flat, use wood chips to make it flat. First, take one side of the inner door of the copper door as the reference edge, rotate the mounting plate on the reinforcing rib of the door frame to be perpendicular to the door frame, then bend the mounting plate and fix it on the wall with cement nails.
1. Put the inner door on the door frame and lock it. Under the condition of ensuring flatness, successively fix the side of the inner door lock on the wall.
2. Use the same method to fix the outer door cover to the door frame and the installation piece.
3. Check whether the switches of inner and outer doors are flexible. If there is any abnormality, plug wood chips for further adjustment.
4. The gap between the door frame and the wall shall be stuffed with wood chips to make the door frame more stable, and then the cement mortar shall be poured into the door frame. After the cement mortar is solidified and dried, the wood chips outside the door gap can be taken out to use the function of the door, but the opening times and strength shall be minimized within 24 hours.
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