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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-10-19 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
When these devices get dirty or broken, they can become a big headache for you. The following copper door manufacturers teach you how to clean the copper door handle and handle? All door hardware equipment can be made of a range of materials, including brass, copper and silver. It is important that they are properly cleaned and maintained. Brass door handles are very popular today, just because of the revival of old buildings.
In addition, brass is known for its self disinfection properties. However, it still needs to be cleaned regularly to make its service life longer and improve its look. In addition to dirt and general dirt, brass door handles and hardware are easy to change color because of daily use. This usually occurs due to metal reactions with certain elements in the air. Dip half a lemon juice in salt and rub the brass door handle and handle.
Then, wipe it with a soft cloth or cotton, and you will get your equipment cleaned again. This cleaning technique also helps in cleaning copper accessories. Silver plated or Sterling Silver equipment is also very good, but the burst of the property market bubble is easy to break. To clean these devices, disassemble them and put them on a glass or aluminum plate. Sprinkle some baking soda on these items and pour in boiling water. After a few minutes, they wiped it with a non abrasive cloth. Regular washing with soapy water is also essential in addition to these techniques.
There are many kinds of hardware available for copper doors, including lever, hardware screen door, bolt sleeve, plug-in door lock, door handle and knob. This may be a small device, but they are very different in function and also depends on your door.
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