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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-09-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The reason why today's copper door has won the recognition of consumers is that copper is a rich and peaceful thing. It has been widely used in ancient times and has high value. Therefore, the copper material for making copper door has good filling, less pores and high casting performance.
At present, the main types of materials for making copper doors are:
① Brass copper zinc alloy. The color changes from yellow red to yellow with the increase of zinc content. The mechanical properties of brass are higher than that of pure copper. In general, brass will not rust or be corroded; It has good plasticity and is widely used to make various structural parts in machinery manufacturing industry.
② Bronze - copper tin alloy (except zinc nickel, Taijin with other elements is called bronze). It has good wear resistance, mechanical properties, casting properties and corrosion resistance.
③ White copper copper nickel alloy. It is divided into structural copper nickel alloy and electrical copper nickel alloy. Structural Cu Ni alloy has high mechanical properties and good corrosion resistance.
④ Pure copper is often called red copper. It has good conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Red copper has high corrosion resistance. With good extension and strong plasticity, it is selected as the material for copper doors. The copper door is elegant and classical. Secondly, because of its good physical properties, brass is also the material for making copper doors in the process range with high requirements. Brass door, fashionable European style.
The choice of which material to make the copper door should also consider the architectural decoration style. After all, the copper door in the market mainly depends on the design effect, process treatment effect and surface treatment effect. But more attention is paid to the process of making copper doors!
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