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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-09-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
In fact, the reason why Shandong copper door manufacturers are popular is largely related to their exquisite decoration, which is copper art. As an ancient art, copper art is used on copper doors, mainly some patterns and auspicious patterns after relief, hollowing out and forging. More classic animals include dragon, tiger, Phoenix and tortoise, as well as flowers and plants such as lion, unicorn, deer, crane and mandarin duck, or are complemented by abstract patterns of text decoration, which reposes people's good wishes to ward off evil, drive away evil and pray for blessings. In addition, some European style copper doors also draw on Western architectural decorative elements in detail carving. For example, a variety of classical Greek and Roman column styles such as Doric, ionic, Corinthian, TASI dry and composite are used on both sides of the copper door, which makes it feel gorgeous and magnificent as a whole.
Copper is an extremely stable metal. Its corrosion resistance is very high. It can be handled by conventional methods. However, although copper doors are naturally anti-corrosion, they are still prone to chemical changes when encountering a large amount of sulfur and sulfide. Therefore, you should be reminded that if the copper door is used outdoors, such as the villa gate, it should be wrapped within the outer frame of the door to prevent rain and snow from falling and prevent sulfide corrosion in precipitation.
In terms of practicability, copper doors are more durable than ordinary doors. There are not only no deformation and cracking problems, but also high-tech locks, better anti-theft performance and longer service life.
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