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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2018-10-20 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The rusty spot on the bronze door teaches you 4 ways to deal with it.
Core Tip: The use of copper doors are generally settled outdoors, will encounter wind and rain, so through the baptism of the moment will present rust spots, such a copper door will be unsightly in appearance. The use of copper doors in life is to improve the level of facade, showing rusty spots will not look good. Shandong copper door manufacturers teach you how to remove rust stains.
1. Copper rust will have a layer of rust which is difficult to wash off after it is rusted. This rust can be soaked in boiling water of 80 to 90 degrees. After about five minutes, take it out of the boiling water, clean it with a brush, and let it dry in the shade. If the soil rust is very strong, it will be able to heat the water to jubilation, and the soil rust will fall off.
2. Can wash the rusty copper clean, and then soak it in edible vinegar, wait for a whole day to come out, you can use a brush to remove the remaining rusty spots on the top, with clean water to wash the vinegar clean, wipe dry can be.
3. If the rust stain on the copper door is not obvious, it is better not to use vinegar and other chemical methods to remove, can be used dry brush method. We can use a larger oil brush and cut the brown hair from the top of the brush to the bottom of the brush by 5mm to 7mm. Fixed the door to be brushed or other copper products, brush with the brush at the root of the brush, otherwise the effect will not be obvious, clean with clean water.
4. For some relatively shallow rust, because their molecular structure is relatively scattered, so the rust spots can be dropped by heating. In addition, you can use a knife to remove the rust spots, do not have to exert too much force, otherwise you will scratch the copper door, so if not mastered, do not use this method.
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