当前所在位置:首页>>beplay体育备用自动门机组的部件原理是什么? beplay体育备用


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-08-06 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The automatic door unit consists of the following components:
(1) Main Controller: It is the command of automatic doors. It sends out corresponding instructions through large-scale integrated blocks with internal instruction programs to direct motor or electric lock systems. At the same time, people adjust the opening speed and opening amplitude of door fans through the main controller.
(2) Induction detector: responsible for collecting external signals, like people's eyes, when a moving object enters its working range, it gives the main controller a pulse signal.
(3) Power motor: Provide the initiative to open and close the door, control the acceleration and deceleration of the door.
(4) Door-fan traveling track: like the railway track of a train, the lifting wheel system of the door-fan is restrained to move in a specific direction.
(5) Door-fan crane wheel system: used for hanging movable door-fan and driving the door-fan to run under power traction.
(6) Synchronized belt (some manufacturers use triangular belt): used to transfer the power produced by motor, traction door and fan suspension wheel system.
(7) Lower guiding system: It is the guiding and positioning device of the lower part of the door fan to prevent the front and rear door body from swinging when the door fan is running. When the door fan is to open and close once, its working flow is as follows: when the induction detector detects someone entering, the pulse signal is transmitted to the main controller, which notifies the motor to run after judging, and monitors the motor speed, so as to inform the motor to add force and enter slow running at the time.
After the motor gets the running current, it runs forward, transfers the power to the synchronous belt, and then transfers the power to the hanger system by the synchronous belt to make the door fan open. After the door fan opens, the controller makes the judgment, if it needs to close, notifies the motor to do the reverse movement, and closes the door fan.
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