当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题铜门玻璃贴膜时应注意的哪些事项? 常见问题


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-07-22 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
No matter how long the service life of copper door is, no matter how stable the quality is, we need to take care of it. The copper door film can protect the surface of the copper door just like our own mobile phone film. However, there are also some matters needing attention in the application of copper door glass film. The following matters should be paid attention to when Shandong Tongmen company shares the application of copper door glass film:
1. Do not move the glass within three days after the installation of the glass copper door film, because it may contain water (the water has not evaporated), so do not move it.
2. Do not use water to clean the coated copper door glass within 15 days after the glass is well touched.
3. In the film on the copper door glass, don't use can hang adhesive fixed items, also can't paste self-adhesive and other decorations on the window film.
4. The cleaning agent is sprayed on the surface of the window membrane slightly and evenly, and then the window membrane is gently dried with a clean, soft cotton cloth or water absorbent wiping cloth. The cotton cloth and water absorbent wiping cloth often need to be wrung dry. The external alcohol contained on the cotton cloth / water absorbent wiping cloth will quickly dissolve the stains and fatty fingerprints. If the stain is cleaned, spray the cleaning solution again, wipe the window film horizontally from top to bottom with a soft X rubber wiper until it is dry, and wipe the edge of the window film with a towel.
5. Due to the use of adhesive tape, stickers or decals on the glass film of copper door, the glue or glue left when clearing these materials can be quickly cleared by gently scrubbing the contaminated area with soft X clean cotton cloth dipped in acetone. A small amount of acetone will not damage the polyester film, but can dissolve and evaporate the adhesive and most spray paint.
6. It is not allowed to use soft X's wiping board, brush and sand containing tools for cleaning, so it is easy to scratch the surface of the copper door.
At the beginning, the power of market channel comes from the quantity of copper door, not the quality of copper door. Due to the vast territory and abundant resources, regional economy and regional consumption habits, whether an enterprise can have a set of network to cover all regions and extend its tentacles to all consumers, that is, the density of distribution network and the number of distribution outlets determine whether an enterprise can put its products in front of consumers.
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