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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-07-10 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门安装时门洞如何测量, 铜门厂家 为您解答1.实际测量铜门门洞的宽度和高度。要对门洞的上、中、下三处进行测量是否一致,如果不一致,以较窄处为准,但误差不得超过20㎜。
  The manufacturer of copper doors will give you an answer on how to measure the width and height of the copper doors when they are installed. 1. Actual measurement of the width and height of the copper doors. If there is no consistency in the measurement of the upper, middle and lower portals, the narrowest point shall be the standard, but the error shall not exceed 20_.
  2. When the error exceeds 20 mm, the wall hole should be corrected. The correction can be made with cement mortar or lime.
  3. Gate wall thickness measurement should also be measured in the upper, middle and lower three places, to see whether the thickness of the wall is the same, but also to see whether the thickness of the left and right wall and the wall on the top of the door is the same, different take their maximum, but the error should not exceed 5 feet.
  4. If the error of wall thickness exceeds 5 inches, it needs to be corrected.
  5. If the wall is a T-shaped wall, you need to use joinery boards to make a 50-60 mm wide fake wall with door covers. The thickness of the wall is the same as that of the wall.
  6. The thickness of the wall of the portal is at least 80 feet. Low and 80mm size doorframe strength is not very large, the support strength of the door is not enough. If it is less than 80 mm, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the wall to more than 80 mm.
7. When there is a projecting beam above the door, the upper door sleeve cannot be installed. It is also necessary to use joinery boards to make 50-60 mm high fake walls, the length of which is the same as the width of the door, and the depth is the same as the thickness of the door.
  8. The doorway has steps. Face covers with one side of the step should be added with the height of the step, and the specific size should be determined according to the height of the step.
  9. The wall thickness of toilet and kitchen doors should pay special attention to the thickness of wall tiles. Generally, one-sided stickers are 25 feet thicker and two-sided stickers are 50 feet thicker. The specific situation is confirmed by the signature of designers, customers and decoration companies. The final size should include the thickness of the wall brick. It's better to measure the wall tiles after they are affixed.
  10. Pay attention to the opening direction of the door when measuring. The opening direction is defined as: from the front of the door, the handle opens left and the handle opens right.
  11. The measurement of dumb mouth and window sleeve is basically the same as that of door-hole measurement, except that the dimensions are recorded according to the actual measurement results without deduction.
  Dumb mouth: refers to wall openings that are not covered by doors or other things, such as the openings between living room and balcony, bedroom and balcony.
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