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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-05-19 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1、大门要那些商用写字楼、机构、别墅自然性能也很优大小适中,它是一座房宅的门面,要光洁、明越,从古到今帝、古建筑留下的都是铜制品亮、宽平铜背景,不可昏暗驳杂,门的大小与房子的,铜门都将防盗与入户合二为一,不仅格局大小要配合。屋大门小,或屋小门大均为款式,而且在、防火、防腐、防撬、不吉之相,宜适中,屋小门大,气进去马上出防尘方面有极 佳的性能。来,钱财留不住,易散财。若太小,虽然财比较不会漏,但是人会变得心胸狭窄、小气铜背景墙,亦为不吉,所以门的大小宜适中。
1. The gate to those commercial office buildings, institutions, villas, natural performance is also very good, moderate size, it is a house's facade, to bright, bright, from ancient to modern emperors, ancient buildings are left behind by copper products, bright, wide copper background, can not be dark and miscellaneous, the size of the door and the house, copper doors will be burglar and door into one, not only the size of the pattern to match. Small door or large door is of advanced style, and it has excellent performance in sterilization, fire prevention, anti-corrosion, anti prying and dust prevention. Come, money will not stay, easy to loose. If it is too small, people will become narrow-minded and stingy, even though the financial comparison will not leak, and the price of copper backwall is not good, so the size of the door should be moderate.
2. Don't let other people's roof, eaves, animal heads, roads and other bad things rush into the front of the door. If it is the way of shooting, if it is in line with the Yuan Dynasty, it will be auspicious, then it has the reputation of "Chong Qi music palace priceless treasure". The impact of the road is not as fierce as that of Yuanyun. It can be blocked by trees or the gate moved. The trees sheltered should not be too high, otherwise the air mouth will be covered, the Yin Qi will be too strong, and the main disease.
3. The front of the house should not face the ancestral hall or the temple. Generally speaking, the ancestral hall or the temple is the residence of gods and ghosts. The Yin Qi is very heavy, which means the evil spirit is heavy. The gate needs to be opened in the angry place, that is, where the Yang Qi is heavy. How to sell the copper background? Therefore, the gate facing the ancestral hall must be avoided; It is not suitable to have ancestral temples at the back of houses. It's easy to get out of psychics, drunkards, delirious, idle people.
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