当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题铜门的焊接工艺注意的问题有哪些? 常见问题


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-04-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门的质量与焊 接技术有着直接的关系,所以我们焊 接工人一定要严格的按照行业标准进行,同时施工工人的责任心很是关键,同时还需要的检查人员确保产品质量,那么焊 接工艺的时候应该注意的问题有那些呢?
The quality of copper door has a direct relationship with welding technology, so our welding workers must be in strict accordance with the industry standards, at the same time, the sense of responsibility of construction workers is the key, at the same time, we also need professional inspectors to ensure product quality, so what should we pay attention to when welding process?
一、焊 接前的准备工作十分重要
1、 The preparation before welding is very important
焊 接的前的准备工作直接的影响到下一步焊 接的质量,所以我们焊 接前一定要选择的焊 接师傅,同时一定要选择现代化的焊 接设备、同时恰到好处的焊 接点准备、脚手架的可靠很是重要、焊条的质量保障等等诸多因素我们一定要很好的准备,这样才能实现精准焊 接,达到预期的焊 接效果。
The preparation before welding directly affects the next welding quality, so we must choose professional welding master before welding, and at the same time, we must choose modern welding equipment, at the same time, the right welding point preparation, the safety and reliability of scaffolding is very important, the quality assurance of welding rod and many other factors, we must be well prepared, Only in this way can precision welding be realized and the expected welding effect be achieved.
二、焊 接工作开展
2、 Development of welding work
焊 接的过程中很是关键,所以为了防止变形对称焊 接很是重要、焊 接过程中的残渣等及时清理一些不足之处及时的打磨、焊 接结束后及时清理现场转移好下一个焊 接点、焊 接过程中一定要谨慎对待不能有丝毫的懈怠。
The welding process is the key, so in order to prevent deformation, symmetrical welding is very important, the residue in the welding process should be cleaned up in time, some deficiencies should be polished in time, the site should be cleaned up after welding, and the next welding point should be transferred well. In the welding process, we must be careful not to slack off.
三、焊 接后的检查工作
3、 Inspection after welding
为了达到焊 接的质量功效,所以我们应该在焊 接冷 却后及时的外观检查,同时如果有裂缝及时处理好,发现问题必须果断正确方式处理。
In order to achieve the quality effect of welding, so we should check the appearance in time after the welding cooling. At the same time, if there are cracks, we must deal with them in a decisive and correct way.
对于焊 接工艺很多的铜门企业十分的关注,因为只有更为专注于的焊 接师傅、更为好的焊 接设备才能在职业规范之下真确进行焊 接,从而保障焊 接点的精 准、焊 接技术的精湛、焊 接效果的优势体现,这些都是保障铜门质量的关键,所以以上的这些铜门焊 接准备工作、焊 接工作、检查工作表现的尤为重要。
Copper door enterprises pay close attention to many welding processes, because only more dedicated welding masters and better welding equipment can truly weld under professional standards, so as to ensure the accuracy of welding points, the exquisite welding technology and the advantages of welding effect, which are the key to guarantee the quality of copper door, So the above copper door welding preparation work, welding work, inspection work performance is particularly important.
只有越是重视焊 接技术才能打造更为好的铜门,才能给我们生活带来更多的乐趣体验。
Only when we pay more attention to welding technology, can we create a better copper door and bring more fun experience to our life.
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