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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-03-23 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
不得承认济南铜门象征財富,象征荣华富贵。别墅铜门厂家在生产制造铜门的那时候从大局出发,以便让生产制造的铜门更美观大方、更别具一格,人们有不同于其他人的刷油漆方式 ,那您了解有哪些方式 吗?如果您想了解的话,我们就为大家做简单的介绍,您感兴趣的话不妨来看一看!
Jinan Tongmen is not allowed to be recognized as a symbol of wealth and honor. Villas copper door manufacturers in the production of copper doors when starting from the overall situation, in order to make the production of copper doors more beautiful and elegant, more unique, people have different ways of painting from others, then do you know what ways? If you want to know, we will do a brief introduction, if you are interested, you might as well have a look!
Jinan Tongmen
The copper door can be completely painted and maintained. However, villas copper door manufacturers remind you that when using paint for construction, you should master the knack. You shouldn't brush it indiscriminately. Brush black, don't be too regular. At present, some domestic anti-theft doors in the painting process, with iron door as the main example of anti brass. First, the rust on the door should be removed, then the antirust paint should be carefully applied, and then the door should be completely coated with a whole piece of brass and gold powder paint. This method will also be reflected in the production of copper doors. After the paint is dry, the old short hair brown brush tip shall be used for large area pickling and phosphating treatment.
The paint is equivalent to a protective film outside the door. Without this protective film, the surface of the door is prone to oxidation reaction, the door surface will grow a lot of copper rust, it is difficult to clean. Therefore, before we install the copper door of villa, we must cover the door with thick paint and protect the door tightly.
接下来介绍在济南铜门上涂漆的3种常用方法。 我希望对大家有帮助。
Next, three common methods of painting on Jinan copper door are introduced. I hope it can help you.
One is the semi open painting method, which makes the copper door of the villa very bright color, very fashionable appearance and noble taste. It is a popular painting method.
The second is the open painting method. The color of the villa copper door painted by this method is very simple, with texture, giving people a real feeling.
The three methods are the application of closed paint. This method is very complex. It feels very smooth after drying.
The above is the painting method of Jinan copper door introduced by villas' copper door manufacturers. In these methods, in addition to semi open painting, open painting and locking painting, there is also the overall operation process. Therefore, careful attention and seriousness are needed when painting, which can make the products more glossy. If you are interested in our products, you can contact us directly.
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