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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-03-18 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Now merchants and houses are installed with Jinan copper doors. The doors made of this material do not have good decoration, and it is also better for the whole house. However, no matter what the material is, its maintenance is indispensable. What is the simple and useful maintenance method?
1. Install decorative screens
If the copper door is not the door of the villa, but the small door of the family, a thin decorative screen window can be installed outside the copper door when it is used. The size of the decorative screen window is similar to the size of the small door. It is also good if some cloth strips are added on the four sides of the door frame, because there is no burr or use Some nylon ropes. These nylon ropes are pasted around the door frame by using post it notes. In this way, the curtain can be installed on the copper door. This is a relatively simple and convenient way.
Jinan Tongmen
2、 Waxing
Copper doors are easy to fade. If you want to use them for a long time, you should wax them for a long time. When waxing copper doors, you should first clean the dust on the door with a cotton clasp, and then add a layer of wax on the surface of the door. After a period of natural oxidation, the paint can be sprayed on the surface of the copper door, mainly to keep the color of the copper door for a long time.
If the quality of this kind of paint is not good, it will be aging after a long time, and there will be some small cracks. We can't see these cracks with naked eyes, but the oxidation reaction between air and copper door will destroy the color of copper door. In fact, the main purpose of waxing is to add a layer of natural protection measures to the appearance of the copper door.
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