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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-03-12 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Jinan opposite copper door is also called opposite door. Opposite copper door refers to the door of two door leaves, which can be opened on both sides. The size of both sides is the same. Generally, when the door opening is wide, it is designed to open copper doors in pairs for convenience and beauty. One door leaf is equipped with a lock, and the other door leaf is equipped with a false lock and bolt. The methods for Jinan copper door manufacturers to select split copper doors are as follows:
1. Check the door lock, performance and structure
The anti drilling lock is selected. After the drill bit is drilled into the lock hole, the lock will rotate synchronously with the drill bit when it rotates, so that the lock will not be damaged. The lock requires three-way locking structure, three hinges for single door opening, six hinges for double door opening, and concealed lock for door leaf and door frame. Even if the hinge is chiseled off, the door cannot be opened.
Jinan Tongmen
2. Number of lock heads and inserting rods on the door
Choose two locks to control the door of two inserting bars, even if it can be damaged, it will delay the time. Generally speaking, a lock can control 3 to 4 inserting bars. This kind of door has poor anti-theft performance. Once the lock is damaged, several inserting bars will lose their function at the same time.
3. Look at the thickness and area of the reinforcing plate around the lock
The structural design of copper door can be divided into enclosed type and fence type. No matter which one is selected, the lock is the main part of theft and damage. Therefore, the core plate of the lock should be cold steel plate with a thickness of more than 2mm, and the height of the core plate should not be less than 500mm.
4. It depends on the quality of the process
铜门材料选择是根本,制作工艺质量是关键。山东铜门厂家提醒大家应注重检查有无焊接缺陷,诸如开焊、未焊、漏焊、夹渣等现象。看门扇与门框的配合是否密实,间隙是否 均匀一致,开启是否灵活,所有接头是否觅食,油漆电镀是否均匀牢固、光滑等。
The choice of copper door material is fundamental, and the quality of manufacturing process is the key. Shandong copper door manufacturers should pay attention to check whether there are welding defects, such as open welding, no welding, missing welding, slag inclusion and so on. Check whether the door leaf and door frame match tightly, whether the gap is uniform, whether the opening is flexible, whether all joints feed, whether the paint electroplating is uniform, firm and smooth, etc.
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