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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-03-09 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper door in wipe, ventilation aspects need to pay attention to, but also pay attention to the decoration of other parts of the house, do not affect the use of copper door. How to improve the service life of copper door
1、使用铜门时,不要在门扇上悬挂过 的物品或bm尖锐的物品刻碰、划,开启或关闭门扇时,不要经常用力过猛或开启角度过大,以免损坏铜门。
1. When using the copper door, do not touch or scratch the hanging objects or BM sharp objects on the door leaf. When opening or closing the door leaf, do not use too much force or open too much angle to avoid damaging the copper door.
2. Do not always use hands with water stains (or other solutions) to open the door lock to avoid discoloration. When opening the door lock or turning the handle of the door lock, do not use too much force to reduce the service life of the door lock. Hinge, door lock and other frequently moving hardware accessories should be tightened when they are loose. When the door lock is opened, you can add an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam to the keyhole, and remember to lubricate it with edible oil and other things. Jinan Tongmen
Jinan Tongmen
3. (glass and copper door) when wiping the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass bead, so as to avoid the deformation of the bead. When wiping the glass, do not use too much force to avoid the glass breaking and personal injury. If the glass is damaged or there is a big bump, please ask the maintenance personnel to repair it.
4、铜门表面污迹时(如手印),可采用哈气打湿后,用软布擦拭,用硬布很容易划表面,污迹太 时可使用中性清洗剂、牙膏或家具用清洗剂,去污后,立j擦拭干净。铜门的棱角处不要经常磨擦,以免造成棱角处饰面材料褪色破损。在木制产品上的灰尘时,不便用软棉布擦除时,可采用吸尘器进行。为保持铜门表面光泽和使用寿命,应定期进行清洁、除尘,可使用木制装修产品用的养护液对其表面进行养护。
4. When there are stains on the surface of the copper door (such as fingerprints), you can wet it with Harbin air and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is easy to scratch the surface with a hard cloth. When there are too many stains, you can use neutral detergent, toothpaste or furniture detergent. After decontamination, you can wipe it immediately. Do not often rub the edges and corners of the copper door, so as not to cause discoloration and damage of the finishing materials at the edges and corners. When it is inconvenient to wipe the dust on wooden products with soft cotton cloth, a vacuum cleaner can be used. In order to maintain the surface luster and service life of the copper door, it should be cleaned and dusted regularly, and the surface can be cured with the curing liquid used for wooden decoration products.
5. In spring and winter, we should pay attention to the good indoor ventilation, keep the indoor humidity, make the copper door at normal room temperature and humidity, metal parts appear rust, edge sealing, and decorative materials fall off. When using electric heating or other heating equipment in winter, keep away from wooden products to avoid deformation due to heating.
6. When painting the wall, it is necessary to cover the copper door to avoid the paint falling on the surface of the product, peeling and fading the finishing materials, and affecting the overall appearance.
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