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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-02-20 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
There are more and more people began to use the copper door, because Jinan copper door this style, not only can effectively guard against theft, but also can better show its decorative, its magnificent sense of quality. So how to judge whether the quality of the copper door we installed is up to the standard?
1. The selection of copper plate is an indicator, and the copper plate should be kept flat. Select copper specifications from copper materials.
2. Steel pipe is generally used as inner frame material. If it is not galvanized, it is easy to be eroded by rain and rusted. At the same time, the leaves of Shandong east gate are rusted, which greatly improves the view of East Gate. Affect the life of content.


3. Keeping warm and sealing are the parameters of Jinan copper door. In our north, the temperature in winter is wind and sand. In order to solve the problem of heat preservation, in the design of the sealing strip, the copper door manufacturer connects the sealing strip to the copper door frame, which may produce sand, dust and noise.
4. The appearance color of bronze door directly affects the appearance and service life of bronze door. Copper doors are made of cheap paint technology. If the paint is not correct or poor quality paint is used, they are easy to rust. For copper door manufacturers, the surface treatment process of copper door is high temperature oxidation and oxidation. Good oxidation, corrosion resistance, self-cleaning performance, gloss and service life of copper door.
5. The lock, hinge, bottom spring and tension of alumni are very small, but they play an important role in the use of alumni. The quality of alumni directly affects the use of alumni.
Jinan Tongmen
We take Jinan copper door apart to see its various parts, which is a big way to measure its quality standards, and it is very effective. I believe it is not difficult for everyone.
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