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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2021-01-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
如果正确放置铜门的位置,将对风水有益。铜门是吉祥的象征。很久以前,只有官员和政府官员才能看到铜门。现在铜制门在我们的生活中已经很普遍。 在测量铜制门时,请注意门的宽度和高度,以查看测得的距离是否一致,并且误差应为不超过二十毫米。
If the copper door is placed in the right position, it will be beneficial to Feng Shui. The bronze gate is a symbol of good luck. Long ago, only officials and government officials could see the bronze gate. Now copper doors are very common in our life. When measuring the copper door, please pay attention to the width and height of the door to check whether the measured distance is consistent, and the error should not exceed 20 mm.
If the copper door is placed in the right position, it will be beneficial to Feng Shui. The bronze gate is a symbol of good luck. Long ago, only officials and government officials could see the bronze gate. Now copper doors are very common in our life.
在测量铜制门时,请注意门的宽度和高度,以查看测得的距离是否一致,并且误差应为不超过二十毫米。 如果误差太大,则必须进行校正。
When measuring the copper door, please pay attention to the width and height of the door to check whether the measured distance is consistent, and the error should not exceed 20 mm. If the error is too large, it must be corrected.
在测量铜门开度时,还需要检查铜门的厚度是否合适。壁是否相同,左侧的壁厚是否与右侧的壁厚相同。 墙壁的错误厚度不得超过5毫米。 如果铜门的门口上方有突出的梁,则无法安装,必须使用。
When measuring the opening of the copper door, it is also necessary to check whether the thickness of the copper door is appropriate. Whether the wall thickness of the left side is the same as that of the right side. The wrong thickness of the wall shall not exceed 5mm. If there is a projecting beam above the door of the copper door, it cannot be installed and must be used.
在门口上方有台阶,必须根据台阶的高度做出决定。 在测量铜门时,请注意 卫生院和厨房的门洞的厚度也应注意墙壁的厚度与r的方向应与门的打开方向一致,并且必须设置门把手。
There are steps above the door, which must be decided according to the height of the steps. When measuring the copper door, please pay attention to the thickness of the door opening of the health center and kitchen, and the thickness of the wall and the direction of R should be consistent with the opening direction of the door, and the door handle must be set.
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