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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-12-31 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Many people will choose to use copper doors, especially suitable for villas, because they are larger and more magnificent. And for the sake of beauty, many copper doors are designed together with glass. This kind of copper door is also called glass copper door. Glass and copper doors need some adhesives to bond the glass and copper doors in production. Let's Shandong copper door manufacturers tell you which adhesives can be used.
1. 高性能硅酮结构胶,是一种单组分、中性固化、专为建筑幕墙中的结构粘结装配而设计的。可在很宽的气温条件下轻易地挤出使用,依靠空气中的水分固化成优异、耐用的高模量、高弹性的硅酮橡胶。特性:1. 优异的粘接性;2. 优越的耐高低温性能和耐气候老化性能,具有抗臭氧层、抗紫外线等特点。主要用于铜板与骨架内衬板的密封粘接。
1. High performance silicone structural adhesive is a one component, neutral curing, specially designed for structural bonding and assembly in building curtain wall. It can be easily extruded and used under a wide range of temperature conditions. It depends on the moisture in the air to solidify into excellent, durable, high modulus and high elasticity silicone rubber. Characteristics: 1. Excellent adhesion; 2. Excellent high and low temperature resistance and weather aging resistance, with ozone layer resistance, UV resistance and other characteristics. It is mainly used for the sealing and bonding of copper plate and framework lining plate.
2. 中性密封胶,是一种单组份、高模量中性硅酮耐侯密封胶,对一般建材有良好的粘接性。优点:弹性好、固化快。用途:主要用于铜门窗及装饰制品的填缝密封。不能用于铜门内部结构性密封。
2. Neutral sealant is a one component, high modulus neutral silicone weather resistant sealant, which has good adhesion to general building materials. Advantages: good elasticity, fast curing. Usage: mainly used for caulking and sealing of copper doors, windows and decorative products. It cannot be used for structural sealing inside copper doors.
Only a good adhesive can bond the glass and copper door together, so as to ensure the safety of the glass and copper door. Glass and copper doors generally have a very beautiful shape, the use of glass also makes the door have a sense of permeability, but in fact can not see the room. If you need to buy Glass copper door, please call our Shandong copper door manufacturer.
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