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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-10-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
With the continuous changes of the times, many industries have been well developed in all aspects, and to some extent, they play a role in promoting our social development. Copper gate industry is the main industrial technology that we have inherited from generation to generation. This product is used in the old residential areas. It is mainly the symbol of identity and a strong barrier to protect the safety of the door. Now it is applied to the home, in the fundamental sense, abandoning some of the traditional bad things, inherited the traditional positive ideas. For this product, many people are newly purchased, and some have been using it for decades, even for a long time. Next, let's introduce it to you.
1. it is necessary to maintain the copper door. We can maintain the color of the product by cleaning. Often double open copper door cleaning, wipe off the dust above, so that it adhere to the clean condition.
Tongmen, Shandong Province
2. when using, we should pay attention to the strength of opening and closing the door. We need to use uniform force, and we cannot use too much force. Especially, don't let the children in the house knock the door and window with strong things.
3. remove dust and stolen goods from the inside corner of copper door window in time to avoid blocking and causing the door and window to open smoothly. If the time of use is found to be not smooth, we should find the reason for the work in time to solve.
In summary, it is a preliminary understanding of the product by the small editor. If you want to know more, please call our Shandong Tongmen manufacturer or click the corresponding link in the article to view more relevant knowledge.
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