当前所在位置:首页>>beplay体育备用选购防盗铜门要注意哪些 beplay体育备用


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-06-16 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  From the current market point of view, the anti-theft copper door sales are soaring, more and more people's attention. Because of its plastic appearance, copper doors are popular with consumers. When purchasing copper doors, we should also pay attention to the following aspects:
  Before purchasing, we should learn more about this brand with more strength and product quality than y, and check the product inspection report provided by the operator. When ordering, the invoice shall be marked with the words "security door" to prevent forgery. During the installation, the appearance of the anti-theft door shall be checked carefully, and the protective film shall be torn off when the door is fully checked, and the invoice such as warranty card and invoice shall be asked for, so as to maintain the right in time in case of any problem in the future. The relevant administrative law enforcement departments should also strengthen the management of J big J, and try to prevent the poor security door from flooding the market from the source. D strongly publicized and implemented the anti-theft door full x standard, and T Enterprise's after-sales service quality is high, which also creates a harmonious, full and reassuring consumption environment for consumers. Shandong Tongmen manufacturing enterprise
  安装好防盗大门之后,用户希望检查配件如钥匙,保险政策,比尔和售后服务表和数据和防盗大门制造商提供的配件和数据等是否一个Z, 1000 W不能出现的情况小钥匙。使用钥匙打开已安装在门体内的锁时,锁芯应轻便灵活,不得有卡死现象;门在90度加工过程中,应出现L活Z,如无电阻、声音异常等现象。
  After the anti-theft door is installed, the user wants to check whether the accessories such as key, insurance policy, bill and after-sales service table and data, accessories and data provided by the anti-theft door manufacturer are a Z, 1000 W small key. When using the key to open the lock that has been installed in the door body, the lock cylinder shall be light and flexible, and there shall be no jamming; during the 90 degree processing of the door, there shall be l live Z, such as no resistance, abnormal sound, etc.
  Pay attention to relevant quality standards of safety door Q
  消费者应根据居室门的大小、开启方向和色彩图案的实际要求选择合适的H型防盗全门。预防损伤的功能,是门的防盗Q是重要的功能,检测,可以要求卖家给G M购买时是合格的证明,产品质量应符合标准gb17565 - 2007“通用技术条件的防盗门”技术要求。
  Consumers should choose suitable H-type anti-theft door according to the actual requirements of the size, opening direction and color pattern of the door. The function of preventing damage is the anti-theft Q of the door is an important function. Detection can require the seller to prove that it is qualified when purchasing for GM. the product quality should meet the technical requirements of the national standard GB 17565-2007 "anti theft security door with general technical conditions".
  When buying security doors in the market, go to z-standard large-scale home building materials city. When purchasing, pay attention to the "fam" logo, enterprise name, implementation standard and other contents of the anti-theft copper door, so that the door meeting the standard can be a and K at the same time.
  以上是 山东铜门厂家小编为大家介绍的相关内容,想要了解更多内容,欢迎访问网站://
  The above is the relevant content introduced by Shandong copper door manufacturers. If you want to know more, please visit the website: //
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