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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-04-07 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  很久以前, 山东铜门象征着和昂贵。那时,只有那些拥有权利和身体的人才能拥有它。现在因为。特殊的美,我们在家庭中被广泛使用,但是铜门使用了很长时间,偶尔我们不小心会刮到铜门的表面,铜门变得非常难看。那么山东铜门意外受伤怎么办?下面我们山东铜门厂家教你一个很好的解决方案。
  Once upon a time, the bronze gate of Shandong symbolized nobility and expensiveness. At that time, only those who have power and body can have it. Now because it's unique. Special beauty, we are widely used in the family, but the copper door has been used for a long time. Occasionally we accidentally scratch the surface of the copper door, which becomes very ugly. Then what about the accidental injury of Shandong copper gate? Now we Shandong copper gate manufacturer will teach you a good solution.
  First of all, we can clean up the damaged parts, then use the nail polish on our family's beauty to smear on the surface of the copper door, or use antirust oil to make copper and air.
  Two, in the ordinary daily maintenance, often use detergent to scrub the copper gate of the wound, never use acid and alkali high-strength detergent to wipe the surface, and then use dry towel to dry, long-term maintenance of the copper gate can also be postponed if the wound is dry. The slow copper door is rusty.
  3、 Polish smooth. For the scratches of hard metal on the copper door, the first thing we need to do is polish. Because the texture of copper is relatively soft compared with iron, the scratches are prone to surface irregularities. First, polish smooth with sandpaper.
  4、 Complementary color: the surface of the copper door has been generally treated with color. Most of the time, the copper door is made of dark bronze. Of course, there are also some primary colors directly made by individual copper doors. In any case, complementary color treatment is needed. This is more difficult, and generally needs to be handled by professional copper door manufacturers.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by Shandong Tongmen factory. To learn more, please visit the website: //
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