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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-03-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  高技术门锁行业性能标准更高的1.2mm厚铜板。铜业现有的铜板厚度标准有:0.6 mm、0.7 mm、0.8 mm、1 mm、1.2 mm。铜板越厚越平越好。 济南铜门厂家技术精湛,大多以0.7 mm的厚度为生产标准。虽然平面度大致符合要求,但在抗冲击度上有偷工减料之嫌。
  1.2mm thick copper plate with the highest safety performance standard in high-tech door lock industry. The existing copper plate thickness standards of copper industry are: 0.6 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm, 1 mm, 1.2 mm. The thicker the copper plate, the flatter it is. Jinan copper door manufacturers are skilled, most of them take the thickness of 0.7 mm as the production standard. Although the flatness is generally in line with the requirements, there is a suspicion of cutting corners in the impact resistance.
  别墅铜门在技术上一直采用1.2 mm的标准厚度,外观上比低厚度的铜门更厚而沉稳,且在防火性能和冲击性能上远远超过低厚度的铜门。使用更厚的1.2毫米铜板标准。与此同时,联锁的性也有了很大的突破。引进高科技指纹锁,为铜门的防盗性能又提高了一个层次,增加了用户的性,满足了城市高端铜门领域对高品质锁具配件的需求。
  The standard thickness of 1.2 mm has been adopted for the copper doors of villas. The appearance of the copper doors is thicker and more stable than that of the low thickness ones, and the fire performance and impact performance of the copper doors are far higher than that of the low thickness ones. Use the thickest 1.2mm copper standard. At the same time, the safety of interlocking has also made a great breakthrough. The introduction of high-tech fingerprint lock improves the anti-theft performance of copper doors, increases the security of users, and meets the demand for high-quality lock accessories in the field of high-end copper doors in the city.
  以上是济南铜门厂家为大家介绍的相关内容,想要了解更多内容,欢迎访问网站://www.doveish.comThe above is the relevant content introduced by Jinan Tongmen factory. To learn more, please visit the website: //
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