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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2020-02-25 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  There are many imitated copper doors in the market, including those with good quality and those with poor quality, which will cause paint discoloration and other problems. What's the reason? It's mainly because the problem of weather resistance has not been solved. According to the current copper door surface treatment technology, there are mainly "transfer printing", "metal baking paint", "plastic powder direct coloring" and other special processes. We analyze and solve them one by one.
  Transfer printing process "easy to fade and paint"目前,转移印花的一般工艺流程是:聚醚环氧树脂基础→干燥→转移→撕纸、抛光→喷粉→覆盖→干燥,其易褪色,室外油漆多出现在室外,为什么在室外容易出现这些问题?由于在户外暴露在阳光下是很自然的,或者受到风、霜、雨和雪的侵蚀,我们需要对木材有一个特定的用途:
  At present, the general process flow of transfer printing is: polyether epoxy resin foundation → drying → transfer → paper tearing, polishing → powder spraying → covering → drying, which is easy to fade. Outdoor paint often appears outdoors. Why are these problems easy to occur outdoors? Because it is very natural to be exposed to sunlight outdoors, or eroded by wind, frost, rain and snow, we need to have A specific purpose:
  1. 聚醚环氧树脂粉具有成本低、印刷性能好、撕纸性能好等特点,但遇光易碎;2. 转移纸是以纸张为载体,用油墨进行印刷,然后通过其易迁移的特性在一定温度下转移到塑料基材以上,油墨的质量直接关系到图案的褪色速度;3.该面膜油具有美观、增加触感、增加附加值和保护功能,但普通的钢、木表面清漆无抗紫外线作用。
  1. Polyether epoxy resin powder has the characteristics of low cost, good printing performance and good paper tearing performance, but it is fragile when exposed to light; 2. Transfer paper is printed on paper as a carrier with ink, and then transferred to the plastic substrate at a certain temperature through its easy migration characteristics, and the quality of ink is directly related to the fading speed of the pattern; 3. the mask oil has beautiful appearance, increased tactility, added value and protection function, but ordinary steel and wood surface varnish has no anti ultraviolet effect.
  To sum up, epoxy composite → common transfer paper → common indoor varnish are the main reasons for easy painting and fading. Ordinary varnish does not absorb or reflect UV light, so UV light can directly reach the surface of plastic powder through transparent oil, resulting in plastic powder and discoloration of transfer paper. By analogy, the plastic powder as the carrier of the above smooth oil is no longer available, so the smooth oil is lost. To solve this problem, we can use: Polyester outdoor powder outdoor transfer paper and common varnish can get rid of time. On this basis, the varnish with high corrosion resistance can effectively solve the problem of paint and transfer paper disappear. However, the defect of this technology is that polyester resin cost is high, transfer printing, tears, not easy to gloss, efficiency is very low, want high efficiency and convenient operation, It will only make full text transfer paper and light oil, which can be effectively solved.
  以上是山东铜门生产厂家为大家介绍的相关内容,想要了解更多内容,欢迎访问网站://www.doveish.comThe above is the relevant content introduced by Shandong copper door manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: //
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